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This site is to share my beliefs about my beloved country and the legal citizens who live and work here, and to protect this great land. Thanks for stopping by, please support our Constitution & the American dream. “America is the land of the free, not empowered by elected criminals in our political arena” |
¨ It’s time to remove Timothy Geithner and Chris Dodd. Our “Hand Picked” team of the “Best” proved once again to be a major blow to our countries financial health. These two aided in scamming the American taxpayers out of at least 165M in bonus monies for AIG exec's that rightfully earned their pay. Let join together to remove these two Obama criminals before they claim some asinine reason and come after our legal income. |
¨ Thank God these two of are Real Americans were finally released from jail and are free Americans once again; Jose Compean & Ignacio Ramos. Most Americans are still miffed that President Bush waited until his final day to commute their sentences. These two lived for their job and were convicted for protecting us from Drug smugglers & illegal aliens; lets get them back on the front lines in this war America! |
“There is only one thing that we could possibly lead with today and that is Timothy Geithner. He is – I believe – the most qualified guy for the treasury secretary job. He’s the guy I would have picked. I also would not have picked him because it’s not just about his credentials. It’s more than that.” President Obama take on our current financial dilemma. |
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¨ Earth Day, Earth Week, Earth This, Earth That! What a JOKE ! All they nut-cases, like Al Gore and his followers, making false claims about everything from the oceans to the atmosphere. It’s been proven so many times that our planet goes through heating & cooling cycles, in fact, we’re in a cooling cycle now! Temperatures, rainfall, snowfall ALL verify that we are not “Globally Warming” At least the Europeans know & follow the TRUTH, that’s why Al Gores books & the likes are BANNED in most European countries. Why don't you go out and buy some Chinese made compact fluorescent bulbs, that not only take our jobs, but contain more Earth poisons per CLF than 30 regular bulbs; wait till you try to legally dispose of a burned-out CFL - dumb asses. |
What a fool says, number 18: |